My Travel Diaries of

Currency: Peso
Capital: Bogotá
Drink like a local: Aguardiente (cane liquor)
Special facts:
- Escobar and drugs are still part of the national heritage
- In addition to beaches and jungles, Colombia also has snow-capped mountains and deserts
- If a girl approaches you in Medellín you should ask her if she is a “fufy” and hopes to make money with you
- Driving overland can result in many long stops in front of construction sites
- Just because the country is the largest exporter and producer of the best coffee in the world doesn’t mean you can get good coffee here. In return, you get tinto, a transparent brown brew whose lack of coffee quality is offset by the amount of sugar
- People like to drink beer and sometimes rum, but especially aguardiente, which like pastis and ouzo is made with aniseed
Without Spanish you are in a fix in the country. Only in the big cities you might find people who speak English. The most important vocabulary:
- Good afternoon – Buenas dias
- Hello – Hola
- Freelancing prostitute – fufy
- Silver or bullet – plata o plomo
- Thanks, no – Gracias, no
In Kolumbien zahlt man mit einem tief inflationären Peso. Man kann natürlich überall Rechnungen mit US Dollar begleichen, wird aber natürlich draufzahlen.
My Lesson:
Colombia is lust for life
Travel Diaries
People everywhere are very happy to see us. Many people approach us and ask where we come from. A man asks us if he can take a picture of our license plate, since foreign vehicles rarely come through in his town.
The country is inexpensive and no more dangerous than other South American countries. Maybe you shouldn’t necessarily go hiking through the Darien Gap or the jungle on the other borders on your own.