Diary Entry

We return to Medellín from the backpacker paradise of Bahía Solano and, in addition to the former drug stronghold, explore a place near the city with the help of a less adventurous excursion with a tour group in a heated long-distance bus. It makes me feel very old and decadent, but with the climbs we climb and the tolls the driver has to pay, I feel a sense of relief.

Colombians like to go on vacation at the large lake Embalse Del Peñol full of islands. In addition to water and lots of water sports, there is more:

the “Piedra de Peñol“.

This rock grows up out of nowhere. The big stone is impressive in itself, but a crazy architect probably overdosed on cocaine had the idea of building a zigzag staircase into the rock and a tourist restaurant on top.

The botched plan worked, however, and tourists flock to this place filled with souvenir shops and parking lots.

We save ourselves the arduous walk up the stairs with the crowds and view the Peñol from a bird’s eye view with the help of the drone.

Of course that’s forbidden, but I only get in trouble after the empty battery forces me to fly back.

No Drones allowed!

Then it goes to Guatapé. The small town is also Embalse de Peñol, the great lake, and is the carved postcard of Colombia.

Squeaky colored houses, a small church and lots of souvenir shops make every tourist’s heart beat faster.

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