My Travel Diaries of the

Currency: Ruble
Capital: Moskow
Drink like local: Beer, vodka
Special facts:
- There is Saint Petersburg, – and there is the rest of Russia. Saint Petersburg in particular is home to many young and liberal people who look more to the West than to Moscow. Free thinking and tolerance is much more natural here than in the other areas of the country.
- In 2014, Russia annexed Crimea. At the time of my visits, that was not long ago. For most Russians I meet outside of St. Petersburg, this is perfectly legitimate, since Crimea “has always belonged to Russia.”
- Despite the constant conflicts with the countries of the alliance as well as the propaganda against the US and its allies, people are very happy to have people from the West.
- Germans, of all people, have a high reputation in the country. Russians like the German language and admire Germany’s discipline, good cars and economic success.
- The Russians don’t laugh. At least it takes a while before they start laughing. That’s not to say they’re not funny.
- Outside of St. Petersburg, I only meet supporters of President Vladimir Putin, who is controversial in the West. The explanation for this amazes me: people are afraid of not being taken seriously by the West. Presidents, such as Boris Yeltsin, were laughing stock for her. The collapse of the Soviet Union is like a trauma for the Russians, and the dream of “Great Russia” lives on in them. Only a man like Putin can confront the West and “make Russia great“. If opposition members “fall out of the window“, it is not nice, but no reason to vote for someone else.
- People know little about what is happening in the West. News reports little about this. On the other hand, I also get little news about what is happening in Russia. Apart from the arrests of opposition members. In some cases, the Iron Curtain still seems to exist.
For most people, Russian sounds very harsh. The same applies to German. Surprisingly, Russians find the German language softer than their own and therefore very pleasant. I was asked a few times to say something in German, because a Russian likes to hear it. French and Italian are apparently too soft for the Russians and no longer so pleasant.
- Hello – Привет (privjet)
- How are you? – Как дела? (kak djela?)
- Thank you– Спасибо (spassiba)
- Bye- До свидания (do svidanja)
- Cheers! – За здоровье (sa sdorovje)
- Do you have vodka? – У вас есть водка? (a vas yest vodka?)
My Lesson:
The Russians are friendlier than their faces suggest
Travel Diaries
Russia – the idea of traveling to this country triggered many feelings in me. I am looking forward to the adventure in the country where not many tourists travel. I am looking forward to the well-known attractions, such as the cities of Moscow and Saint Petersburg. I’m excited to get to know the people. And I’m excited to get my own picture of Russia. Especially as a West German, Russia has always been an opponent politically, even if I can only speak of positive experiences with Russians in Germany.
On the other hand, the Russians I met in Germany didn’t seem to want to have much to do with Russia’s politics. The annexation of Crimea by Russia and the invasion of Georgia were also not long ago. On the other hand, Russians living in exile are very happy to vote for Putin.
I experience a very torn society in Russia. Despite gloomy mines, the people are very friendly to me. On the other hand, most people believe everything the government tells them. This is mainly because NATO is trying everything to break up Russia. I don’t notice any of this within the alliance. But people dream of a great Russia, even if they themselves can hardly live on what they earn. And instead of striving for better working conditions, they elect a man as head of state whom the world should fear. Because it seems to be worse for Russians than their own dreary lives that they are not taken seriously in the world. The journey through the country is exciting.