πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ The little of Town Oban and its fantastic Whisky

Diary Entry

It’s late when we reach Oban after a day of castle ruins and megaliths. At least we can quickly find a B&B here again. Night is fast approaching and we can admire the city and its harbor in the glow of the lights while sipping a local whiskey.

Apart from the harbor wall there isn’t much else to do in this city at this time.

Once again it is the Explorer Pass that leads us to this ruined castle. A few miles outside of Oban, Dunstaffnage Castle is perched on a monumental slab of rock at the entrance to Loch Etive. The massive outer walls, up to three meters thick, give an idea of the former strategic importance of the castle, which is one of the oldest in Scotland.

From the walkway on the wall, the views open out over the trees of the peninsula and out to sea in bright Scottish sunshine.

Oban was founded around the whiskey distillery founded in 1794. The distillery is still located in the city center just a few meters from the picturesque harbor basin. Oban is one of the Classic Malts and offers our first guided tour of a distillery. With wise foresight, we will already become “Friends of the classic Malts” here – a decision that will pay off!

We are thrilled to be able to follow the process of making our favorite distillate and follow every step with great interest.

At the end of the tour there is a special treat for all participants of the tour: a taste of a special “Destiller’s Edition“. Uwe and Chris are thrilled – but I’m not, because I still have to go to the home of the Macleods today. – Chris & Alex

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