My Travel Diaries of



Currency: Baht
Capital: Bangkok

Drinking like a local: Singha Beer

Special Facts:

  • They are driving on the left side of the road
  • The food is hot. Very hot. Very very hot
  • Try to avoid dring games in night trains
  • Being a monk is a career path rather for education than religion
  • The writing is very pretty and completely uncomprehendable


You can go a long way with English. But I learn a few terms with Google in Thai that should bring me some sympathy points:

  • Good afternoon – S̄wạs̄dī txn b̀āy (สวัสดีตอนบ่าย)
  • Hello – S̄wạs̄dī (สวัสดี)
  • Thank you – K̄hxbkhuṇ (ขอบคุณ)
  • How are you? – Khuṇ pĕn xỳāngrị? (คุณเป็นอย่างไร?)
  • Excuse me – K̄hx xnuỵāt (ขออนุญาต)
  • Goodbye – Lā k̀xn (ลาก่อน)
  • Cheers – Chịyo (ไชโย)


There are also many exchange shops across the country. The official currency is the baht. However, the US Dollar itself is often accepted as a means of payment. The Euro is still a very young currency and more like something special than an actual way to pay.

The Phrase you will always hear:

“Same same, but different”

Travel Diaries

The year is 2004. This is my first trip to Asia. One of my first trips ever. For the first time in another culture. And my first and only trip I’ve booked. I’m twenty years old and hungry for the world. I had to do community service and have time before I start my studies at the university.

I finished school last year and then traveled alone for the first time. It went to Canada. Now I seize the opportunity to travel again. It’s supposed to be in a foreign culture and I’m very interested in Asia.

A trip for young, naive and adventurous people – like me!

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