Diary Entry

Normal chaos returns to the streets. Traffic out of Santa Cruz is hectic. We spent two weeks here, but one would have been enough. It’s Monday and that doesn’t bode well in Bolivia either. We pass tollbooths and police checks again. This time we will also be checked.

We leave Santa Cruz and get behind it directly into the small town of Cotoca. There are said to be sloths in the trees of the Plaza de Armas.

In fact, I can spot a sloth in the park. But there is no trace of his family. The information is also three years old. Poor lonely sloth. The other people in the park don’t seem to notice the animal or are used to it.

In some parks there are ducks, here there is a sloth

It’s busy here too, I can hardly park my car anywhere, it’s hot and it’s Leon’s sacred bedtime. After a short game viewing we continue our journey and finally drive back into the country and into nature.

We will spend the night again in a beautiful place at the beginning of the Bolivian Amazonia and finally get into the wilderness. This was our choice as an alternative to driving into the mountains behind Santa Cruz.

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