🇫🇷 My Visit to Beaune, the Beauty of Burgundy

Diary Entry

After a long day in Burgundy and Dijon, I pitch my tent in a clearing in the forest above the vineyards and can enjoy nature, a warm, crispy tarte flambée and an excellent Burgundy red wine. It’s not too bad

The next morning I pitch my tent again in the most beautiful sunshine of June, pack my things and drive to the nearby town of Beaune for breakfast.

Wild camping in France

On my way through Burgundy with the tiger, I always camp somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Using the iOverlander app, I can find recommendations for off-the-beaten-path locations where others have stayed. The rules for wild camping in France are not very strict. If you don’t harm anyone and are tidy, you can find a place quite flexibly.

As long as you keep a low profile, get in someone’s way and ask the people who own the ground, nobody minds a humble stay in their campervan or tent. Everyone leaves the place better than they found it – that goes without saying. I am never bothered when I pitch my tent in France.

Live like God in France: good red wine and tarte flambée for dinner, milk coffee and croissant for breakfast

A little dirty from a little off-road adventure with my motorbike in the forest, I reach the small town of Beaune early in the morning. I had never heard of this place before but while researching Burgundy I stumbled across images of the city and was intrigued. I added them to the list of sights and my itinerary. I would have expected to arrive here yesterday, but the city of Dijon has long fascinated me.

I drive the Tiger slowly over the cobblestones and park the motorbike in a suitable place in the middle of the old town. I have the best weather – according to the weather app, every day is a lottery.

I also find a nice café right away where I order my obligatory croissant and café-au-lait. Although I prefer espresso, this combination simply belongs in the ambience.

The old town of Beaune is very similar to Dijon – on a small scale

The sight of Beaune that amazed me in pictures on the Internet is the old Hôtel-Dieu hospital, “God’s lodging”. Then, during the secularization, the complex was simply renamed Hospices de Beaune. From the outside, the building complex looks like a medieval palace. It is difficult to decide whether it should be a town hall or a church.

The hospital was founded in 1443 by a nobleman who wanted to do something for his soul to support the people of the then very poor city. The hospital was built in Flamboyant Gothic style with the distinctive multicolored roof and provided free care for the poor and paid for the rich in separate areas.

The hospital turned out to be much more expensive to maintain than the nobleman Nicolas Rolin had planned, but he received support from the prince and was given some vineyards, the proceeds of which continue to support the running of the hospital to this day.

The complex was used as a hospital until the 20th century and was recently turned into a museum. Old photos still show snapshots of everyday medical life in the old building.

is it a church – No. is it a palace – No. Then what is it? – A hospital.

I am very impressed with the hospital and the city. However, I don’t want to delve as deeply into the city as I did in Dijon, but rather explore more of the country with the tiger.

I swing back into the saddle and continue my journey. It continues through Burgundy. My next destination is Arbois.

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