🇫🇷 Arbois, Pasteur and the Flowers in the Sky

Tagebuch Eintrag

It’s lunchtime and time to eat. I’ve been driving around Burgundy for a while and just left the lovely little town of Beaune this morning. I have reached the mountains and entered the Département Jura. I am passing through a city that I immediately like very much. I look for a place for de Tiger and realize that the name of the place is Arbois.

My stop in Arbois is coincidental

The city is a celebration for me

The city’s large square is a fountain and a roundabout at the same time. Garlands of flowers hang from the top of the fountain across the sky, suggesting a marquee.

If there wasn’t so much traffic here, it could be idyllic. Unfortunately, through traffic runs through this place and since it’s the weekend, the city is bursting at the seams with tourists.

I’m walking around town with my camera ready. Away from the large square with its bistros and pizzerias, there are suddenly no more tourists.

Then I stand in front of a large monument of a man with “Louis Pasteur” written in large letters underneath.

Oh what, is he from here? No, he was born in Dole, but apparently he lived here for a while and came back regularly. Maybe he liked the wine, because there’s a lot of that here too.

The wine from here is famous

Why does such an important scientist live in a town as tiny as Arbois?

Excellent wine is grown here.

In vino veritas – the “sacrifices” for science

As in Dijon, you can also follow small bronze triangles here. They don’t have an owl here, but a microscope, and the route follows the places where Pasteur worked. His house, his favorite coffee shop, his favorite bakery, and so on.

The bistros on the main square are overcrowded. I find a small restaurant off the beaten path that still has room. There is a small menu of a salad, chicken curry and a choice of cheese for dessert. Delicious.

It’s very hot and muggy. The sky on the horizon turns dark. A thunderstorm is imminent.

I set off again and shortly cross the border into Switzerland.

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