My Travel Diaries of

Currency: Euro
Capital: Zagreb
Drink like a local: Rakia
Special facts:
- Nowhere have I ever seen clearer sea than on the coast of Croatia. It is possible to see several meters down to the bottom.
- A lot of people in Croatia speak German. Many older people in particular used to be guest workers in Germany.
Croatian – Bosnian – Serbian… the languages are very closely related, but there are still differences.
- Good day – Dobar dan
- Hello – Zdravo
- Do you have wine? – Imate li vina?
- I think you are beautiful – Mislim da si lijepa
Croatia is part of the European Monetary Union and uses the Euro. The country is actually cheap, as long as you stay away from the tourist crowds and outside of the season. However, it can be difficult to use credit cards. So it’s best to have enough cash with you.
My lesson:
Croatia is the idyllic Mediterranean and the rough Balkans in one
Travel Diaries
Croatia’s history is very turbulent. The series of Balkan wars has not long ended, and yet there is hardly any sign of it left in this country.
Away from the tourist routes and during the high season, you can still have this gem to yourself. Croatia is now one of the most popular holiday destinations in Europe.