Diary Entry
We’re finally leaving. I don’t feel any excitement. I feel nothing. I only have things on my mind to think about. If I can even think My actions are carried out automatically. Leon leaves no time to think. The brain only works 50%.
A third of the identified improvements to the car were not completed. No alarm system and no snorkel were installed and curtains and the mosquito net are missing. Cosmetic repairs were no longer made. The wooden table has damage.

On the way west we see numerous signs with references to colonies. Some of them are old, some new, in many of them old and new Nazis. Many Germans founded colonies, including people with ideologies that currently contradict the values ​​of government and society in Germany. Due to the Corona Pandemic, many so-called “lateral thinkers” have emigrated to Paraguay without scruples, following the best example of National Socialists, mass murderers and doctors and would like to build their world on a small scale according to their ideas.
A long straight road leads to Ciudad del Este. In between there is nothing worth seeing except small villages, cattle pastures and colonies.
We spend the night in Pirebebuy with a German pensioner. She has been in Paraguay for 15 years without any knowledge of Spanish. But with dogs, the parrot “Rudi” and many other German friends who help her out. On the way I notice many German localities, restaurants with names like “Oktoberfest” or “Biergarten”.

I had already heard that the police in the country are corrupt, now I feel it. A police check stops me and draws my attention to the fact that my light is off. I actually forgot to turn it back on at the last gas station. The trick of not understanding Spanish no longer works. The cops have already discovered Google Translate for themselves and are making it clear to me how punishable the whole thing is. The young cop who stopped me referred me to his fat old boss. He wants to tell me that this crime will be punished with 620,000 gs – almost 100 euros. I say I don’t have the money.
The two cops ponder, then the boss asks how much I have and I show them the 200 gs in my pocket. Then they want to know if I have a credit card that I can probably use to withdraw the money.
However, the two of them don’t really seem to want to let me go now or drive to the nearest ATM. The fat man asks me for US dollars and I confirm that I have 50 dollars. They want them and then they give up.
We won’t let it spoil our mood. It’s midday and Leon is hungry. Although it is a highway with two lanes on each side, you can still enter or exit at any time. We see a few small houses with trees and use the shade for a picnic. Table and chairs as well as the camping stove are used for the first time.
We follow the road for two more hours until we arrive in eastern Paraguay, in the city of Ciudad del Este.