My Travel Diaries of

Currency: Singapore-Dollar (SGD)
Capital: Singapore
Drink like a local: Kopi (special coffee), Cendol (fruit cocktail), Teh Tarik (special tea)
- Singapur besteht aus einer Hauptinsel und 63 kleineren Inseln.
- Singapur zählt zu den reichsten Ländern der Welt, mit einer hohen Dichte an Millionären.
- Es ist angeblich unmöglich in Singapur zu verhungern, aber es ist einfach obdachlos zu werden, da die Mieten unglaublich teuer sind.
- Singapur beherbergt den ersten Nachtzoo der Welt, die Night Safari.
- Der höchste Indoor-Wasserfall der Welt, der HSBC Rain Vortex, befindet sich im Jewel Changi Airport und ist 40 Meter hoch.
- Singapur ist bekannt für seine strengen Gesetze zur Sauberkeit und wird oft als “Stadt der Bußgelder” bezeichnet. Für ein verlorenes Kaugummi Papier können schonmal mehrere hundert Dollar Strafe fällig sein.
There are four official languages: English, Malay, Chinese and Tamil. English alone is enough to get by anywhere. There are some unique expressions that are often referred to as “Singlish“. Singlish is a mixture of English, Malay, Hokkien, Cantonese and Tamil. Here are some examples:
Makan: A Malay word meaning “to eat.” Example: “Let’s go makan.”
Lah: A commonly used particle added at the end of a sentence to express emphasis or agreement. Example: “Don’t worry, lah!”
Kiasu: A Hokkien word meaning “afraid of losing.” It describes someone who is very competitive. Example: “He’s so kiasu, always wants to be first.“
Shiok: An expression used to express joy or satisfaction. Example: “This food is so shiok!”
Paiseh: A Hokkien word meaning “embarrassed” or “embarrassed”. Example: “Sorry, I’m late. So paiseh!”
My lesson:
for me, Singapore is an ideal image of a modern city
Travel Diaries
For me, Singapore is one of the most breathtaking and beautiful cities in the world. This city has managed to bring together historical buildings, innovative new architecture and nature in harmony. The cultural diversity is also incredible.
The city’s inhabitants are made up of so many different cultures that they still manage to live together harmoniously. If it weren’t for the problem of high prices and homelessness, Singapore would be the ideal image of humanity in the modern age.