Diary Entry
We leave the Andean pass of Papallacta at 4063 and wind down the switchbacks to enter Amazonia. At first we only notice more forest, but then the trees adorn themselves with lianas, ferns and colorful birds. It’s getting warm and muggy.
We see many waterfalls cascading into the ground in a gap between the trees. We drive through the sun and through thunderstorms. The weather changes every few minutes. The air smells fresh of forest, water and tropical flowers. I feel like my lungs are turning green.

Three thousand meters later we spend the night at a beautiful, but also noisy vantage point due to the nearby road, from which we can look in all directions into the valleys or the vastness of the Amazonian plains. A family lives near Huataraco at this point and lets us stay overnight.
While Uwe and I have another beer as night falls, the sounds of the night grow louder and giant moths and cicadas flutter around us, being chased by the bats.
If we think that this night already offers a magical jungle idyll, then the next day has a few more magic to offer.