🇦🇱 Bridges and Gorges of Përmet

Diary Entry

Finally we leave the mountains and get onto a real road with real, modern asphalt. It’s like another world.

The road goes along a turquoise river that meanders picturesquely through the landscape and we have to climb down the big pebbles to get a closer look at this unnatural color of the water.

Since it is not yet evening, Rovena suggests that we drive beyond Përmet, because she knows a place where there are hot springs. After the exhausting journey, I don’t really want to go further than our destination and I don’t really understand the point of hot springs when the earth is already boiling. But curiosity and my friends convince me and we drive to Benjë.

There is a picturesque arched bridge from ancient times and numerous Albanians lounging in the water.

We leave the bathers behind and enter a gorge again. We’re late so we won’t go far in. Still, it’s gorgeous.

Stones have been used by people here to capture hot water that comes out of the ground and use it to create a pool. There we can relax a bit in the sulphurous water and then cool off again in the river. It was worth the detour.

We drive back to Përmet and find accommodation. The biggest hotel right on the main square, where we rent rooms for a ridiculous price.

Interesting in this city is a large rock that seems to have been forgotten there by giants.

We roam the streets at night finding lovely local food and wine. It’s our last night together, in the morning the girls want to go their separate ways. That must be poured out with dignity.

It takes our breath away when we saw what beautiful women suddenly appear in the evening and are walking the streets in the most provocative dresses. When the sun goes down, suddenly everyone comes out of their houses and the whole city comes alive.

Rovena and Gaby huffed around a bit, then they asked us if they could go with us longer because they like it so much with us. We enjoy the time with them too, but we guys want to talk about it at least until morning if we can combine this with our men’s trip.

While I throw myself into the bunk early, the others meet in a room and play long cards together. In addition, they are already destroying some of the family rakya that we only received in the morning. For that I should be the only one without a hangover the next morning.

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