Diary Entry
The past day was dominated by the danger of ice fields and forest fires. I don’t sleep well. Everything smells like smoke. And I’m alarmed about a possible fire around us. The forest is not that far away.
As bad as the previous day was, today is just as good. The weather is clear and there is no sign of the forest fire anymore.

The air is clear and the sun is shining. We could almost forget the dangers of the last few days and enjoy the journey. We calmly pack up our things. I get in the mood for the day with the guitar.
For orientation, we let the drone fly again. In addition to the information about the topography of the landscape, we are rewarded with great pictures.

Kayaking here is a joy
The nature is breathtakingly beautiful and we can kayak almost the entire time. We slowly leave the mountains and reach open plains, gorges and forests. It smells wonderfully of the pine trees in the sun.
There are only a few critical situations arising today. Instead, we passed through a lot of lakes and quiet places.

In the evening we reward ourselves for the long journey with an early camp on a nice, flat gravel bank, while we still have sun and can eat before the mosquitoes attack.
I try my luck at fishing again, but to no avail. Apart from a few tiny fish, we haven’t seen anything swimming in the water along the way.

It could be perfect if the mosquitoes didn’t attack us again at sunset. We retreat to the tent.
Things can continue like today. Unfortunately, it won’t be that easy. The Tara Sala is still waiting for us with its toughest dangers.